Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Another Mom Day

Have you ever looked in the fridge only to realize that there is nothing but grape jelly, butter, and wilting vegetables left. Then about an hour later it hits you as you are finishing in the "lady's room" that you are out of toilet paper, tampons, paper towels, Cascade, Dawn, Tide, and every other cleaning product know to man. Of course this happens when its 2 days till pay day and the absolute worse time.

That was me yesterday. We were out of everything and my personal account was pretty low. My son Clay has been attending Lego camp all week where we are required to pack a lunch. I literally pulled lunch out of I don't know what for him. Using the heels of the bread, I turned the heels inward so he would not realize it was the "yucky" bread.

In desperation I headed off to Costco to find that it was only 9 and they don't open till 10. Thank God for Target!! I started my shopping frenzy there. Sandwich bags, press and seal (splurge item), Cascade, deodorant, etc... Then off to Costco.

My husband has a gift. If I am spending over 3 digits on anything he knows and calls to check on me. He asked if this trip to Costco couldn't wait till Thursday and in break down mode I said "No, I am being a good Mother and Clay had nothing to eat for lunch." The Strader philosphy is no credit. This is a discipline that my husband excels at. He could live for a month before he would charge anything on his card. I have learned much in our 8 years of marriage, but I have much more to learn.

Explaining that I promised to pay the debt off on Thursday (pay day) he let the topic drop and I proceeded shopping. As I walked around Costco contemplating our needs I noticed that everyone (but me) had their coupon books out checking prices and cashing in. I hate coupons and I am equally as annoyed with people that use them. They make the rest of us look bad. So if you are a coupon saver/shopper do not be offended. Those of us who are not are inwardly jealous. This blog has no real point, just a way to vent frustration.

Other FYI's......
This morning Clay says to me, and I quote.
"Mom, it gets really annoying to look at girls with big butts." Appalled, I say "What did you say?" Honestly more appalled that he may be referring to my anatomy than the word its self. He then says "Oh, I mean bottoms. Bottom is a better word isn't it?"

"Are you talking about Mommy's bottom?"

"No", Clay answers sweetly, "You have a skinny bottom."


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