In 2008, the three most Googled words were: naked, karate and girls. Four men, putting together a band, thought they would experiment with the most Googled words as a means to advertise their new adventure; thus, the Naked Karate Girls were born. Do not be intimidated by their name; the four members are locals of Cincinnati with children and families, who stay under the social radar until the show lights turn on.
The Naked Karate Girls will be performing at the Mason Schools Foundation 3rd Annual Gala as the entertainment for the fund raising event October 9th 2010. This show must not be missed.
The 4-man ensemble is difficult to describe. Dressed in costumes and bearing the stage names Teepee, Ponch, Lt. Woo and The Duke; the Naked Karate Girls do not disappoint. The pop/dance cover band mixes music from various decades, throws in theatrics, and has the entire audience up and moving.
I recently previewed the band and within thirty seconds found myself not smiling, but laughing out loud. Honestly, the Naked Karate Girls are the most entertaining band I have come across. To say more would ruin the show. You must see it to believe it.
The chance to get dressed up, enjoy an excellent meal, dance to your favorite music, all within 5 miles of your home is an opportunity too good to pass up. Add the opportunity to have an impact on your communities’ schools and it becomes a priority.
Save the date, hire a sitter, buy a dress, and get ready to dance
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