Returning to school and debating current issues is something I have thoroughly enjoyed. Rediscovering your brain and realizing it still has the ability to work after having children is liberating. I've daydreamed about writing a book, running for public office, something, anything that could change our world for the better.
Bryan was recently recruited to join the Bethesda Foundation. The Foundation's primary goal is to raise money that will benefit the hospital and Hospice of Cincinnati. Bryan has always been financially savvy and the opportunity for him to help raise money for others is wonderful. The Bethesda Foundation had their annual fund raising dinner last evening and their guest speaker was Condaleza Rice. Due to Bryan's new "foundation" status we were given VIP tickets and a chance to meet Dr. Rice.
Regardless of your Bush Era feelings, Condi was and is an amazing woman. She spoke of her Grandfather John Wesley Rice who knew that he needed an education and he pushed his family to pursue education at any cost.
As I listened to Dr. Rice speak I was inspired and envied the ease at which she presented issues such as the state of America, immigration, education and the private sector. Meeting her, shaking her hand, I thought "she's normal, no different than me." Then it hit me, Condi has no children which equals... no distractions. She can be focused on the task at hand, not pulled by one child's emotions and then pulled again by the other child's distress.
Recently one of my children had an assignment that I felt was unreasonable and I wanted to talk with the teacher about it. I sent off an emotional email that was sincere yet strong. Much to my dismay I realized that I sent it to the wrong teacher. I quickly emailed a lengthily apology and sent the email to the correct teacher who I assumed was a female by titling her Ms. only to find out it was indeed a Mister and again the wrong teacher. Talk about humbling. Bryan saved me by picking up the phone and calling the correct person. The teacher was gracious and we worked the situation out. I don't think Condi would of made that mistake.
This morning my little guy had his first medical procedure; an adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy. I arranged for the best nurses and doctors to take care of him and we were treated and cared for like royalty. After watching my son fall asleep from the anesthesia we were escorted to the waiting room. A fellow colleague saw me in the hall and said "Are you being a Mom today?" I smiled and said yes.
Regardless of the situation I am always a mother and so blessed. Meeting people like Dr. Rice and admiring all her wisdom, power and high fashion is wonderful, but not as wonderful as caring for and making a fool out of myself on children's behalf. I may never be Madam Secretary but I will always be Grace and Clay's Mom... that is enough.
Happy Mothers Day!
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