Today I taught my daughter how to apply eyeliner. We then moved on to shadows. I explained the art of highlighting the brow, darkening the lash line and accenting the corners on special occasions. We have already purchased a darling dress for her upcoming 8th grade Christmas dance, her foot is larger than mine, and we now pay the same price for haircuts.
She is no longer my little girl. 13 to 14 was a huge change! It seems to of happened suddenly. What happened? 8th grade happened! Something dramatically changes from 7th-8th grade.
I was the first of all my friends to have a baby. So most of my friends can not relate(except for Dana). When your child starts really caring about what they look like, who is hanging out with who, and if their breath smells, its life altering.
I am in better shape today than I was when I became a mother. I feel young, active, smart, and on some days I even feel attractive. Regardless of how I feel, I am getting older and it is something I must accept.
So, my before 40 "Bucket List" is as follows:
1. I will have defined arms (like Kelly Rippa).
2. I will go to Napa Valley with my husband.
3. I will take dance classes with my husband.
4. I will be 6 months away from a Master's degree.
5. I will of had a research paper published in a medical journal.
6. I will improve my tennis serve and get the curve ball down.
7. I will take Grace on a girls only trip.
When I am 40, Grace will be almost 16 and Clay 10. As I continue to teach them, they teach me as well. I suppose growing older isn't so bad as long as you grow along side your children. Maybe Oprah is right, getting older is better.
With the exception of some weight gain and wrinkles, my life is getting better. I am discovering who I am and what I was made for. In the eloquent words spoken in a darling British accent, by Anthony Hopkins, I will always strive to "love and be loved".
I just got off the phone with one of my dearest friends. She is having a well-deserved mom meltdown. So my dear, this is for you. You are not alone and you are loved.
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