Last night the Straders participated in a family photo shoot with our friends the Zwolinskis. They are incredible photographers that have a gift for capturing their subjects with authenticity. In my 3 inch heels they had us hiking through an overgrown golf course where we were photographed amongst the trees, grass and weeds.
Personally, I hate being photographed. I take the whole thing too seriously and have a very difficult time relaxing. A month a go the Zwolinskis took "couple" shots of Bryan and me . Looking into your husbands eyes and not laughing is hard. Regardless of my camera shy attitude the photos turned out great and captured Bryan and I perfectly.
Authenticity is something I admire in others and something I try to model in my own life. This week the authentic Angie was given a reality check. The family had so much going on and I could feel my body ailing under the stress.
Monday I worked, drove home to get Clay off the bus, then turned around and went down to Xavier for my 3 hour class.
Tuesday was my 38th birthday. I felt sorry for myself all day. I had a 7:00 am meeting (Dr. Crawford did not mention my b-day), Grace had a soccer game, and my husband had to work till 10 pm. Later I bonded with the neighbor ladies while helping my friend Jackie decide how to accessorize her ball gown for the upcoming Gala.
Wednesday, although I had a 7:00 am lecture on scoliosis, I opted for tennis. After winning my match I had just enough time to breeze through Macy's and get Jackie some jewelry for her gown. Debating between 2 different options I called another friend Carolyn, asking her to get Clay off the bus because I was running late. Arrived home about 4:30, presented Jackie with her jewels and ran home to shower because I was hosting a political event for my Dad at 7:00 pm. My Dad is running for Mason City Council and I hosted a meet and greet at my home where 15 of the 25 RSVP's showed. There was a lot of dip and cheese left over.
Thursday I awoke with a fever blister. When I am run down and stressed I always get a fever blister. Arrived at work for another 7:00 am meeting and spent the day preparing for a work presentation.
Thursday night my friends were taking me to dinner at this darling little hole in the wall called the Red Onion. Excellent food with a unique atmosphere. I think all the stress got to me and "fun" Angie came out of her shell. I met some new friends, one nicknamed Tiny Tim. He was not tiny. I dance with Tiny Tim and a 75 year old line dancing woman in a bright red t-shirt and size 2 jeans. It was a lot of fun.
Friday I had a day off. I slept in, caught up on Project Runway and America's Next Top Model. I did not work out and I did not eat well. It was a good day. It ended with our family photo shoot and then popcorn and movies.
Writing this down is a reminder that I sometimes take on too much. I love to stay busy but it has its downfalls (like fever blisters). Bryan and I head off to San Antonio on Tuesday for a conference. I'm excited to sleep and spend time with my husband.
The word transparent is the latest tag word for everything from Health Care to Christianity. With that said, I love that I can be transparent and authentic with the people in my life. I love that Brett and Jess Zwolinski can capture the relationship between Bryan and I on film, I love that my girlfriends took the time to celebrate me getting older, and I loved that I danced with Tiny Tim. I hope when my 70th birthday rolls around I will be out on the dance floor teaching the young things how to move.
check out the Zwolinksi's web site... www.studio3z.com
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