Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to School

My daughter Grace is 13.5 and starts the 8th grade tomorrow at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy. At CHCA they are required to wear uniforms until they are in high school. A month ago I purchased the necessary pants and polos needed for Grace to enter the 8th grade in style.

Yesterday, Grace comes to me dis shelved because her pants no longer fit. I didn't believe her. We had just purchased new pants. My medical knowledge of puberty kicked in and I considered the fact that she may truly of out grown them already. After a painful expedition of trying on clothing I discovered that she was correct.

In desperation, the day before school begins, Grace and I headed out to the mall for some khakis. Grace is in the awkward stage of no longer fitting in kid's clothes and not quite fitting into adult clothes. We looked everywhere from Kohl's, Old Navy, Gap, and J.Crew. Only J. Crew could come up with any options. It figures, because J. Crew is the most expensive. We had to order her 00 petite pants on-line. The bill was HUGE. They tempted me in every way with a J. Crew credit card. 10% off, free shipping, bonus bucks etc.... I held strong for the sake of my husband. When I told him he express joy and said I would indeed receive a birthday present after all.

What can I say; motherhood can be a challenge.

Tomorrow I have my first class at Xavier University. I am scared and excited all at the same time. Ultimately I am grateful for all God has given me. I have an incredible family. I have a rewarding job working with patients and people I adore. I have received an opportunity to get my Masters in Nursing for free. I am blessed.

My journey as a woman, mother, wife, nurse continues and I hope you continue to join me in the adventure. Below are a few questions my darling 7 year old son asked me in a 5 minute period. There is nothing to prepare you for Motherhood, you just have to learn to enjoy the ride!!!!

We begin with the grocery list:

Clay wants ice cream, but first of all he doesn't know all that he would like. So he has a plan that when we go to Kroger we can also go to Target and possibly the movie theatre. Next he tells me he feels like chicken nugets and wants to know in the same breathe if I ate all the pasta?

His favorite prefers Ewoks over Jawa's in Star Wars. They are cute and better than the Jawa's. All this is being discussed over a spoonful of peanut butter.

Meanwhile Clay has the following pressing questions:

Why pirates have animals on their boats?
How do people make bubble gum?
Why do people call it bubble gum instead of "just" gum?
How did God turn alive?
How do people make metal?
How did the first person make electricity?
How do people make glass?
How do people make money?
How do people make colorful paper?
How do people make different colors of feathers?
What is the most poisonous thing on earth?
Sometime can I get the game of Star Wars the complete Saga? It is really easy to contol.

The only Mom's he really likes are the Mom's in his family. Mama, Mimi, Bethany, Ellee, Amy and me. He said I didn't have to write this down, but I thought I should.

1 comment:

Ellee said...

I love your children! Thank you for keeping Clay's questions in exactly the same wording that he asked them. :) The fact that he included me in the 'Momma's-He-Likes' List made my day.